• Phone

Number: 1-855-211-1301 Opt.2


Mon-Fri (Open): 6AM – 9PM PST
Mon-Fri (Emergency Coverage): 5PM -9 PM PST
Sat-Sun or Dual Stat Holidays (Emergency Coverage): 8am-9pm PST

After Hours: A voicemail inbox is monitored by our support team outside regular business hours to provide assistance during major outages. All other voicemails will be returned the next business day.

  • Online/Email

Send requests to support@nusutusplus.com

You can also sign-up for our self-serve support portal by clicking HERE.

You can then submit a ticket (and check on your open tickets) HERE.

  • Self Help

Our Self-Help knowledge base provides access to videos and articles on how to use certain features and troubleshooting steps for common problems.

You must sign up with an account on our Self-Serve Support Portal to view the full library of articles.

You can sign up by clicking HERE.

You can find our knowledge base HERE.